January 2023

Why Don’t the Amish Use Buttons?

The Amish are a Christian religious group that lives a plain lifestyle, shunning modern conveniences for traditional practices. This includes not using buttons to fasten clothing. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why Amish don’t use buttons and how they dress without them. We’ll also look at the Amish dress code and how it […]

Amish Dress Code

The Amish are a group of people who follow the traditions and beliefs of the Anabaptists or those who have been baptized anew. They live a simple, rural lifestyle, avoiding many modern comforts and technology. This extends to their dress code. What they wear expresses their principles in an outwardly visible way.  In this article,

Amish School House

There’s no more industrious cultural group than the Amish. They make their own clothes, grow their own food, and even build their own houses. What makes this even more impressive is that they do most of it without the mechanization most Americans have come to rely on. But what about community facilities like schools? Yes,

Amish Blue Door

The Amish are a traditional Christian group known for their simple way of life and their commitment to living according to the teachings of the Bible. They’re known for their strong sense of community and their emphasis on living a simple and modest lifestyle, but an iconic element of their culture is the blue door.

Amish Material Culture

The objects and architecture that surround us, as well as our creation, consumption, and trade of these items, all constitute our material culture. It’s borne and shaped by our history, our norms, and our values. Every cultural group has its own unique material culture, including the Amish. But what is the Amish material culture, and

Do the Amish Work on Good Friday?

The Amish are a conservative Christian community that shares the same faith and principles as most other Christian protestants. So how they approach high days and holidays on the religious calendar may be a little different.  Do the Amish work on Good Friday, and how do they celebrate Easter? Join us as we explore the

Do the Amish Celebrate Labor Day?

Labor Day is a federal holiday celebrated throughout the US on the first Monday in September. The purpose of this national holiday is to recognize and honor the American labor movement. This has been the case since 1864, long after the first Amish settlers arrived in America in the late 1700s.  But due to their

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