Much like the Amish vs Puritans debate, the Amish and the Seventh-Day Adventists are two well-known Christian denominations that people often confuse with each other.
They certainly bear some similarities, but could a person be an Amish Seventh-Day Adventist?
Let’s dive into the mystery of the Amish Seventh-Day Adventist.
What this article covers:
- Who Are the Seventh-Day Adventists?
- How Do the Amish and Seventh-Day Adventists Differ?
- Are there Amish Seventh-Day Adventists?
Who Are the Seventh-Day Adventists?
We can understand the difference between Amish and Mormons or seventh-day Adventists by explaining each individual concept.
The Seventh-Day Adventists were founded by Ellen G White in the 1800s. She would hold events where people could witness her miracles, and she proclaimed that she was possessed by God.
These events would last for hours and those who witnessed it claimed that she only took a single breath throughout it all. She was rumored to have superhuman strength, holding a bible in her outstretched left hand for half an hour without flinching.

The church worships and rests on the seventh-day sabbath and has a strong emphasis on dietary health. They don’t eat unclean meats and most of them end up being vegetarian for this reason.
The denomination appoints ministers to churches and has a presbyterian structure. The ordinances are immersion baptists of believers as well as the lord’s supper with foot washing.
Salvation requires faith and everyone in the community must be baptized and follow the laws of God. If these are neglected, you forfeit salvation.
These beliefs are different compared to the Mennonite and Amish brethren groups and their ways of living are more lenient towards modern-day life.
How Do the Amish and Seventh-Day Adventists Differ?
While there are some basic similarities between the Amish and the Seventh-Day Adventists, their existences are characterized by their distinct differences.
Amish Dress and Style
When looking at Amish vs Quakers, they have similar simplistic ways of presenting themselves in terms of fashion. When we add the Seventh-day Adventist to the comparison, the differences start appearing.

The Amish’s distinctive simple clothing is the most obvious sign of their people’s faith, purity, and social isolation from the outside world. It shows their readiness to conform to group standards as well as group loyalty and identification.
The men of the Amish community dress in dark overalls, lapelless straight-cut coats, broad fall pants, suspenders, solid-colored shirts, black socks, shoes, and broad-brimmed hats.
These are all as simple as it gets, not drawing much attention as everyone is dressed the same. Conventional buttons are used to fasten shirts as well as hooks and eyes to fasten coats and vests.
Amish women on the other hand typically have long sleeves shirts, voluminous skirts, a cape, and an apron covering their solid-colored outfits.
Straight pins or snaps are used to secure the garments as opposed to lacy materials found in modern women’s clothing.
For church services, young unmarried Amish women wear black prayer coverings, while married women wear white ones. Jewelry and printed clothing are prohibited for both Amish women and women.

Seventh-Day Adventists Dress and Style
Seventh-day Adventists don’t have a specific dress style or code that needs to be followed, but out of respect for the church, they frown upon those who wear saggy or skin-tight clothes.
Nevertheless, these are more of a suggestion than a rule that must be followed. The true measure is modesty in both behavior and attire.
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church doesn’t specify what’s appropriate to wear.
The Seventh-Day Adventist Church simply states that one must study the Scriptures and determine for themselves what is appropriate and what isn’t.
Groups like the Anabaptist Amish and Mennonites demand that a woman cover her hair, or that she wear an upper garment that is a specific minimum length.
The Seventh Day Adventists have what they call Adventist Education. They resemble normal public and private schools as they’re accredited by the state body.
The only difference is that these schools have an emphasis on allowing your children to have free thoughts and make moral decisions.
You also don’t need to be a Seventh-day Adventist to attend the school. On the other hand, Amish schools teach kids about the roles in the Amish community.
For example, Amish girls attending an Amish school learn all about the importance of being a woman in the Amish community and what roles she will be expected to take within the community.
Speaking of kids, since the Seventh Day Adventists can make use of certain modern technology, the kids can play with toys. Amish children grow up with Amish dolls that either their mothers or local Amish women will sew.
These women are also highly skilled in creating vintage wicker hampers and large picnic baskets for the community.
Everyday Life
The Amish steer far from modern-day technology like television and mobile phones. They won’t have to pay any electricity bills because all of the electricity they use is produced by solar and wind power.
It’s interesting to observe a community shut off from contemporary America that aspires to the production of cutting-edge technologies and the encouragement of a life that is more urbanized.
They don’t utilize any cars for transportation, instead, opting for horses and bicycles. The Amish community does, however, occasionally engage in activities that call for trucks, such as agricultural production. In these situations, they would lease the vehicle, but the driver would not be an Amish man.
This lifestyle isn’t shared by Seventh-day Adventists, but they do have a few rules of their own.
Adventists are warned against attending the theater or the movies since these forms of entertainment are thought to contribute to the lack of morality in the world.
They’re also prohibited from social dancing and don’t drink or smoke.

The majority of Amish men work as farmers, raising their families food and doing maintenance work around the house. Whenever a fellow Amish person needs a barn or roof contracting, numerous builders are prepared to help. The Amish women work in various trades, own businesses, and look after their families at home.
The Seventh Day Adventists can work anywhere they please, and many employers seek their work ethic and dedication.
Are there Amish Seventh-Day Adventists?
The Amish dedicate their lives to honoring and serving God, following the Ordnung, and reading the bible.
Since Seventh-Day Adventists are essentially another denomination, it would be frowned upon if you were to belong to two different groups or communities.
Leaving the Amish to join the Seventh Day Adventists can be tricky as the Amish believe that baptism is a lifelong commitment. Therefore, it’s a safe bet that, by breaking one’s sacred vow, the person leaving their commitment behind is in contravention of God’s Will.
Leaving the community may result in shunning or even ex-communication, the most extreme of Amish punishments detailed in the Ordnung. Rules for Amish shunning are followed when Amish people don’t follow the Amish way of life. When this occurs, shunned people are isolated from the Amish community.
Individuals who are shunned cannot attend church or sit at the same table as family members, and they usually struggle to earn within the community.
The outcasts are completely cut off from their relatives in the more extreme Amish groups.

The Amish and Seventh-Day Adventists differ in many ways, so understanding them as individuals allows us to appreciate each group.
The primary takeaway from this discussion is that Seventh-Day Adventists are a Protestant denomination that observes the Sabbath on Saturday and places an emphasis on healthy living, whereas the Amish are a group of Christian Anabaptists who live in isolated communities.
Many admire the Amish’s way of living and dedication to the community and God, but some appreciate more everyday life of The Seventh-Day Adventist.
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