One of the most heated debates in the Anabaptist Christian community is the difference between Mennonite and Amish clothing. While both are rooted in traditional values, they’ve evolved in distinct ways over the centuries.
This article will explore the differences between Mennonite vs Amish, particularly when it comes to clothing.
What this article covers:
- Who Are Mennonites?
- Who Are the Amish?
- Mennonite vs Amish: A Brief History
- What are the Differences Between Mennonites and the Amish?
- What do Mennonites Wear?
- What do Amish Wear?
- So, What’s The Difference Between Mennonite and Amish Clothing?
Who Are Mennonites?
Before we dive into the differences between Mennonite and Amish clothing, let’s look at who the Mennonites are.
The Mennonites are an Anabaptist Christian denomination founded in Switzerland in 1525. Their name comes from the Dutch reformer Menno Simons. He was a leader in a movement of Anabaptists who tried to reform the Catholic Church and wanted to move away from religious persecution. He was also a proponent of non-violence and pacifism.
Mennonites believe that salvation comes through living a life of simplicity, humility, and service to others. They emphasize helping the needy in their communities, as well as working for peace and justice around the world.
Who Are the Amish?
The Amish are another Anabaptist Christian denomination founded in Switzerland in 1693. They strongly emphasize simplicity, humility, and living away from modern conveniences such as cars, electricity, and telephones. In the Amish community, kids play with the Amish faceless dolls instead of modern toys and video games.
They have under-bed baskets and storage baskets for shelves instead of drawers and cabinets. Simplicity is the cornerstone of the Amish way of life.
They follow unwritten rules known as the Ordnung, a set of standards centered around a literal interpretation of the Bible that dictates how to dress and interact in the community. These standards are strictly enforced, and those who stray from them face shunning or ex-communication in the worst cases.
Mennonite vs Amish: A Brief History
One of the questions you find in most Q&A platforms is: why did the Amish split from the Mennonites?
The Amish and Mennonites share a common history. Both groups are descended from the Anabaptist movement of the 16th century, which began in Switzerland as a reaction against the Catholic Church’s practice of infant baptism. The Anabaptists rejected this practice and held adult baptism ceremonies for those who had consciously decided to join the movement.
The Amish and Mennonites split in the 17th century when a small group of Anabaptists decided to break away from the mainstream Mennonite movement. This group, led by Jakob Ammann, took on his name and became known as the Amish. They were known for their more conservative approach to their faith, including a stricter interpretation of the Bible and emphasis on traditional gender roles.
The split between the Amish and Mennonites has continued to the present day, with each group maintaining its own distinct identity and practices. This is reflected in many aspects of life, including dressing.
What are the Differences Between Mennonites and the Amish?
Besides clothing, there are a few other ways to distinguish the Mennonites and the Amish. They include:
Church Service
Mennonites typically hold services in churches and use traditional hymns. They also may use microphones, musical instruments, and contemporary music during their service. On the other hand, Amish services are held in homes and are led by a bishop. The Amish don’t use microphones or musical instruments, and their hymns are sung in a capella.
The Amish church services are held in their German or Pennsylvania Dutch dialect. Pennsylvania Dutch is a dialect of German with its own vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. On the other hand, Mennonites use English for their services.
Church Structure
The Amish structure their churches into “districts”, which are geographically based and usually contain about 20-80 church families. These districts are led by a bishop, the district’s leader. The Amish don’t have formal churches or pastors, though they do have “preaching ministers” who regularly attend services to deliver sermons.
On the other hand, Mennonite churches are structured like typical protestant churches and typically have pastors and formal church buildings. They’re usually organized into “conferences”, which are geographically based, with each conference containing several churches.
Amish children typically attend school in their own districts, often single-room schoolhouses without electricity or running water. The Amish language is used in the classroom, with English only taught from fourth grade.
Technology Adoption
Just as there are different types of Amish and Mennonites, their approaches to technology vary. While the Amish are very selective about what technology they use, Mennonites have varying levels of acceptance for different types of modern convenience.
The Amish don’t typically use electricity or automobiles, relying on horses and buggies. They also don’t have telephones in their homes and typically avoid using other modern technology.
The Mennonite church has adopted a more liberal stance towards technology, with many members utilizing modern conveniences such as electricity and cars. They also allow telephones and televisions in the home, although they’re generally opposed to the internet.
Nonresistance vs. Non-Violence
The Amish believe in nonresistance. They don’t participate in wars, don’t vote, and don’t participate in political activities. They also refuse to swear oaths of allegiance or serve jury duty.
On the other hand, Mennonites believe in non-violence rather than nonresistance. This means that while they don’t participate in military service, they aren’t opposed to voting or participating in political activities. They also don’t refuse to serve jury duty or take oaths of allegiance.
Both nonresistance and non-violence are core beliefs of the Mennonite and Amish communities, but they differ in how they express their conviction. An important point to note is that neither group advocates violence or violent actions.
What do Mennonites Wear?
Mennonite clothing is known for its simplicity and modesty. The clothing worn by Mennonites often reflects their religious beliefs, which emphasize humility and service to others. Typical garments include plain-colored dresses, plain suits or shirts, long bonnets, and men’s straw hats. Women wear simple, solid-colored head coverings, such as scarves or veils.
Generally speaking, Mennonite clothing is designed to be practical and comfortable rather than fashionable. This can be seen in the lack of intricate patterns or flashy colors. Materials used are usually sturdy and long-lasting fabrics such as wool, cotton, and linen. Similarly, the colors chosen are often muted or pastel shades.
Mennonite Clothing Beliefs
There are some specific Mennonite beliefs that are often reflected in the clothing they choose to wear. For example, many Mennonites believe that vanity should be avoided and that unnecessary decoration or adornment should not be used on clothing. This can be seen in how garments like dresses do not feature frills, petticoats, or other fancy designs.
Additionally, Mennonites often prefer plain clothes that are easy to clean and do not need frequent washing or ironing. This is why some Mennonite dresses feature snap buttons rather than zippers.
Let’s look at what each gender wears.
Mennonite Women’s Clothing
For women, the traditional dress is a simple knee or calf-length dress. It usually has a full skirt and long sleeves, which are often plain but can sometimes be decorated with subtle embellishments such as lace or embroidery. The neckline of the dress may also be trimmed with a collar or other adornment. Accessories such as apron strings, bonnets, long haystack-style hats, and scarves are also popular amongst Mennonite women.
Women’s clothing is typically made with solid colors or small prints, such as gingham or striped patterns. Modest undergarments are also worn beneath the dress. They usually consist of plain-colored slips and bloomers and stockings or socks.
Mennonite Men’s Clothing
The traditional dress is a simple suit or shirt with trousers for men. The shirts are usually solid colors and may be collared or buttoned down the front. Trousers are either plain-colored or striped and can be long or short. Accessories such as straw hats, vests, ties, pocket watches, and suspenders may also be worn. Footwear is usually black or brown leather shoes.
Men’s clothing is typically made from sturdy fabrics such as wool, cotton, and linen.
What do Amish Wear?
The clothing worn by Amish people is similar to that of the Mennonites but can vary by region. The general style is still plain and modest but with more intricate details such as pleats, ruffles, lace, or embroidery. Fabrics used are usually high-quality and made of durable materials, such as wool or linen.
Amish Clothing Beliefs
The Amish clothing style is deeply rooted in their faith, and their garments symbolize their religious beliefs. Plain clothing demonstrates humility and modesty, while bright colors or flashy accessories are discouraged. Additionally, buttons are usually avoided because they are seen as too decorative.
The Amish believe their clothing should not be used to make a fashion statement but instead to remind them of their faith and beliefs. For this reason, they don’t follow current trends or fads and instead wear styles that have been passed down for generations.
Let’s look at what each gender wears:
Amish Women’s Clothing
The traditional dress for Amish women is a simple long dress that falls between the ankles and knees. The neckline is usually high, with short or long sleeves. Accessories like bonnets and aprons are traditionally worn as well. The colors chosen are usually plain or muted shades such as blue, brown, grey, or green.
Women also wear undergarments that consist of a chemise or camisole, bloomers, and stockings. These are usually made of plain cotton or linen fabric and are often white.
A Mennonite Amish woman is expected to cover her head with a cap, bonnet, or scarf while in public. This is to show respect and humility when in the company of men. The book of 1 Corinthians states that “every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head” (1 Cor. 11:5). Therefore, women also cover their heads for religious reasons.
The Amish birthing gown is a full-length dress made of white linen or cotton that Amish women wear during labor and delivery. It’s made to fit loosely so the mother can be comfortable while giving birth.
During weddings, Amish women wear a special dress that is often made of calico and is decorated with embroidery or ruffles. This ceremonial dress is usually light blue in color, which symbolizes purity and faithfulness. The bride’s head covering is also typically blue and adorned with a white ribbon.
After the wedding, the bride may wear the wedding dress for church services and special occasions.
Amish women usually wear leather shoes that are black or brown in color. During the cold months, a woolen cloak or shawl is worn over the dress for added warmth. The type of outerwear depends on the climate of the region and can range from light jackets to heavy winter coats.
It’s worth noting that the Amish women mostly make their own clothing items so that they can ensure that the fabrics and styles are appropriate for their beliefs. Just like you’d find them busy weaving harvest baskets or Easter baskets, you’ll find Amish women busy sewing their own clothing.
Amish men’s clothing
The traditional dress for Amish men is a simple shirt, trousers, and vest. The shirts are usually plain in color and may be collared or buttoned down the front. Trousers are either plain-colored or striped and can be long or short. Accessories such as straw hats, vests, and suspenders are worn to complete the look.
Amish men also wear leather shoes that are black or brown in color, with no buckles or other ornamental details. A long woolen coat is worn over their clothing for added warmth during cold weather.
Men aren’t allowed to wear any jewelry, including rings and watches, because the Amish believe these items are too flashy.
The Amish man’s hat is a straw or felt hat with a wide brim or flat top. The colors of these hats are usually black or gray, depending on the community.
For weddings, Amish men wear suits and hats, usually made of black fabric and decorated with buttons. The groom’s vest may be white, and some communities require grooms to wear a necktie or bow tie. However, this isn’t a requirement for all Amish communities.
Something worth noting is that there is a difference between Amish and Mennonite hats. While Mennonite hats are typically more colorful and ornate, Amish hats are plain and simple. However, both hats are wide-brimmed and flat-topped.
So, What’s the Difference Between Mennonite and Amish Clothing?

Now that we’ve discussed the traditional clothing for both Mennonites and Amish, there are several differences we can point out between the two.
Mennonites typically wear brighter, more contemporary clothing than Amish. They often opt for bold, patterned fabrics and bright colors to express their individual style. On the other hand, Amish prefer plainer clothing with muted tones that reflect humility and modesty.
There’s also a difference between Mennonite vs Amish head covering. The traditional Mennonite head covering is a scarf or bonnet that is usually brightly colored. Amish women, on the other hand, usually opt for a more traditional bonnet with a black veil.
Mennonites will often accessorize their clothing with jewelry, belts, buttons, and other items to make them unique. Amish dress tends to be simpler and plainer without any additional accessories or embellishments.
The fabrics used in Mennonite clothing tend to be lighter than those used for Amish clothing, which is usually made from heavier materials such as wool or denim. They also often feature intricate embroidery and stitching work, while Amish clothing is usually more basic.
Mennonite clothing tends to be slightly looser-fitting than Amish clothing—which can often be quite restrictive. This is because the Mennonites prefer a look that allows them to express their personal style. However, the amount of modesty and plainness in the clothing is still respected. Conversely, the Amish prefer the fit of their clothing to reflect their commitment to modesty and an expression of humility.
Finally, Mennonites are likelier to wear modern and fashionable clothing, while the Amish stick with traditional styles. They may also opt for more modern fabrics such as cotton or polyester, while the Amish will stick to traditional materials like wool and denim.

While both groups dress modestly, Mennonites often express their individual style by adding accessories and bright colors to their clothing, while the Amish prefer a simpler look that reflects humility. No matter what form of traditional dress they choose to wear, both groups remain committed to modesty and plainness.
No matter which religion you follow, it’s important to remember that Mennonites and Amish clothing styles are based on a shared set of values emphasizing modesty, simplicity, and humility.
Overall, Mennonite and Amish clothing have some similarities—such as the use of muted colors and plain fabrics—but there are also significant differences in the style, fabric choice, and accessories used.
By understanding the differences between these two traditional clothing styles, you can choose the one that best fits your personal style and beliefs.
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